new technologies
and personal data

The first client of Bieszczad Górecki Adwokaci was one of the currently leading internet services in the automotive industry. Soon afterwards, an ERP software manufacturer joined the group of our clients. That is why from the very beginning of our activity we have specialised in the widely understood law related to running a business on the Internet, e-commerce industry and personal data protection. We have gained particular practice within copyright law, industrial property law, services delivered in the electronic way and personal data protection law.

Practical experience in the above areas allows us to represent our clients both in the negotiation process and in front of courts and the Patent Office.

The list of our services concerning the area of new technologies and personal data includes: 

  • audits of websites in the context of personal data protection,
  • drafting terms of providing services electronically,
  • writing complete documentation on personal data protection in accordance with the GDPR requirements and its implementation in the client’s entrepreneurship,
  • conducting trainings in the personal data protection law,
  • supporting in the software implementation processes and drafting licence agreements,
  • assessing registrability of a trademark and representation in the process of trademark registration,
  • representation in court disputes concerning copyright breach.


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Bieszczad Górecki adwokaci
spółka cywilna Law Office